Students, staff, faculty and physicians at the School of Medicine benefit from a variety of academic and administrative resources ranging from assistance with admissions and counseling to participating in volunteer opportunities, using technology resource centers and libraries, and IT support. Please browse through our many valuable resources and let us know if you need additional assistance or information.
- Academica
- Canvas
- Computing & Information Technology (C & IT)
- Employment
- EMS (Reservation System)
- E*value
- Facilities and support services
- First Aid First video series
- Grant preparation and management
- MD Health Records Office
- Medical Education Support Group
- Medical School Information Systems
- Online WSU directory
- Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development
- Parking and transportation
- Public Affairs
- Research opportunities
- School of Medicine IT Forms
- Shiffman Library
- Streaming Media SOM
- Student educational resources
- Web mail
- WSU Police