Facilities and Support Services
For after-hour building issues that need immediate attention contact WSU Police at 313-577-2222.
Krista Mitchell
Facilities Manager
P. 313-577-9028
Candace Rogowki
Administrative Assistant
P. 313-577-1460
1102 Scott Hall
P. 313-577-1460
F. 313-577-2466
ATM: An ATM machine is located in the main lobby of Scott Hall across from the elevators.
AUDIO/VISUAL SERVICES: Any AV needs such as projectors, overheads or videotaping can be coordinated through AV Services or by calling 313-577-1490.
BUILDING ACCESS: Many School of Medicine buildings are restricted access. To obtain access to a restricted building, follow these steps to add access to your OneCard.
- Fill out an Access Request form available from the Facilities Office (1102 Scott Hall)
- Obtain an authorized departmental signature for access.
- Return the completed form to the Facilities Office for processing.
- Take your OneCard to Public Safety (6050 Cass) for encoding after calling 313-577-2056 to verify that the Access Request Form has been processed.
BUILDING ISSUES, CONCERNS AND REQUESTS: Heating, cooling, lighting, plumbing, painting or any other building concerns can be brought to the attention of the Facilities Office by calling 313-577-1460.
Dedicated to making this a safe and clean environment for all those who study and work here, the Facilities Playbook provides details and specific cleaning and facilities care responsibilities while also asking students, staff, and faculty for support where possible. By working together, the facilities team and each individual l in our School of Medicine spaces can make a difference.
Help us by reporting issues you find or provide a positive comment if you see an area of note and pride.
Please submit all project or work order requests to Facilities & Support Services for specific planned needs.
CAFETERIA: The Cafeteria is located on the first floor on the west side of the building.
COMPUTER SUPPORT: All computer-related problems should be directed to the Computing and Information Technology Help Desk by calling 313-577-HELP (4357) or emailing helpdesk@med.wayne.edu.
CONFERENCE ROOM SCHEDULING: In addition to a state-of-the-art training facility, the School of Medicine is fully equipped to host a variety of educational events. Meeting rooms can accommodate groups of 20-250. Go to Room Use Rules for guidelines and https://ems.wayne.edu to reserve a room.
Conference room keys can be signed out between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Mon Fri., and returned to the information window at 1102 Scott Hall. There is an after-hours drop box located on the front counter for your convenience.
COPY SERVICES: There is a OneCard copier located in the first-floor copy room of Shiffman Medical Library.
DRY ICE: The dry icebox is located inside the dock area next to shipping and receiving at Scott Hall. Dry ice is provided to all research departments for use on experiments and in labs. To obtain dry ice, visit room 1102 Scott Hall to obtain the key. The key is signed out and returned when done. After business hours, the key is available for sign out at the guard's desk. Dry ice is also delivered to the receiving docks at Lande and Mott Center.
EMERGENCY AND SAFETY PROCEDURES: Emergencies, disasters, accidents, injuries, and crimes can occur without warning at any time. Being prepared to handle unexpected emergencies is everyone's responsibility. View Emergency and Safety Procedures.
U.S. MAIL: There is a bin for US mail in the mailroom of all WSU buildings. Contact Facilities & Support Services for access to the mailroom in Scott Hall. (The US postal service no longer picks up from the mail slots located near the elevators in Scott Hall.)
KEY REQUESTS: Keys and lock changes can be made by going to https://facilities.wayne.edu/
LOST AND FOUND: Lost and Found is located at the Information Office window, 1102 Scott Hall.
MAINTENANCE OF LAB EQUIPMENT: Contact Facilities & Support Services or your building coordinator for repairs to building fume hoods (connected to the building ventilation system) or cold room which are also part of the building. Maintenance/repairs of free-standing lab equipment or equipment purchased and installed by the department are the responsibility of the individual department.
ONECARDS: The WSU OneCard offers a "cashless" environment to its cardholders by debiting funds from their account. The card can be used for parking, door access, copying and printing services, as well as food and bookstore purchases. For more information on the OneCard and its uses, visit the WSU OneCard site.
PARKING: Employee/student parking is available in Parking Structure 4 on Canfield by permit only. Visitor parking is available in the surface lot 75 on Canfield, payable upon entry by credit card or OneCard. View additional campus parking information.
SECURITY: The Security desk phone 313-577-1110 is located in the main lobby of Scott Hall. In case of emergency, contact WSU Police at 313-577-2222. Anyone entering Scott Hall without proper identification must sign in. After 6:00 pm, all persons entering the building must show proper identification (i.e. OneCard or hospital ID). Guests accompanying persons with proper ID after 6:00 pm must sign in. Please be prepared to show your One Card or hospital ID at all times. All medical and graduate students must card swipe for entry to Scott Hall after 6:00 p.m.
SMOKING AREAS: Wayne State University and the School of Medicine are smoke-free environments.
TELEPHONE SERVICE AND VOICE MAIL REQUESTS: Telephone Service/Voice Mail Request forms must be completed to transfer/install phone and data lines. Access Telephone Service Requests complete appropriate form, print, sign, scan and email to financeapprovals@med.wayne.edu for processing.
Facilities and Student, Staff and Faculty Responsibilities
Together we ensure the School of Medicine is a safe and clean environment for all who study and work here. Given the university and School of Medicine's contracts for cleaning and building services, we ask those within the building to support the individual areas.
Facilities feedback can be submitted via QR code or form.
If you have questions, please contact Krista Mitchell at kmitchel@med.wayne.edu