Student COVID guidance
Updated Sept. 13, 2024
Wayne State University School of Medicine follows Wayne State University policy regarding COVID-19. Students are expected to maintain the guidelines outlined below and follow any additional parameters if they are communicated to them from their assigned clinical sites.
If you experience possible symptoms of COVID-19
You are encouraged to test immediately. You should isolate if you are sick and suspect you have COVID-19 but do not yet have test results. You can do a home test or complete a PCR test at the WSU Campus Health Center or another health facility.
Positive COVID Test
Stay home and away from others. Once both your symptoms begin to improve and you have not had a fever (without taking fever-reducing medication) for at least 24 hours, you may return to campus/clinical duties with a mask. Take added precautions, including wearing a mask, added hygiene, physical distancing, and/or testing, for the next five days after you have returned to your regular activities.
If your fever returns or your symptoms begin to worsen after you have already returned to regular activities, return to staying home and away from others until, both your symptoms begin to improve, and you have not had a fever (without taking fever-reducing medication) for at least 24 hours.
If you do not have symptoms but have had a positive test, take these added precautions for five days as you may still be contagious.
Contact your class counselor for an excused absence if you are missing any required events and to keep them updated on your progress. Contact your health care provider if needed for treatment. As for any healthcare reason that impacts testing, if isolation falls during an exam day, you will need to send your class counselor a note from a healthcare provider.
Negative COVID Test, no known exposure
Follow protocol as for any viral illness. Contact your class counselor if you need an excused absence. Contact your health care provider if needed for treatment.
Negative COVID Test, known exposure
In addition to the actions described above, even if you tested previously, be sure to test on day five following your exposure. Day of exposure is day zero. Mask on days zero through 10. Monitor yourself for symptoms. You do not need to isolate if your test on day five is negative.
Additional Notes Related to Exposure and Absences
Any missed time due to illness may need to be made up as per the WSU School of Medicine excused absence policy. Make up time and method are at the course or clerkship director’s discretion.
A known exposure is defined as more than 15 minutes of contact within a 24-hour period within six feet of a person confirmed to have COVID.
Please note that there is no need to complete a daily screener, no need to contact campus health for contact tracking, and no need for clearance from the campus health center for your return.