Parking and transportation
SOM parking
Daily student parking is available in surface Lot 75 located at 545 E. Canfield across from Scott Hall. You can use your OneCard, provided you have funds available in your debit account, to access the lot and receive the discounted student rate.
Visitor parking is available in surface Lot 75, payable upon entry via credit card only. View a complete listing of our rates.
Students and employees who want to pay by semester, can purchase/renew their parking permit online. Assigned parking is available at Parking Structure 4 on Canfield. The entrance is located at 555 E. Canfield across from the Scott Hall building. If you have assigned parking, your RFID tag will allow you access into the structure. If your RFID is malfunctioning, you can swipe your OneCard through the reader and the parking gate will raise. If the issue persists, press the intercom button on the card reader box for assistance from our 24/7 Command Center. Generally, the gates are open at 5:45 a.m. and close at midnight, Monday-Friday.
Campus parking & transportation
- Parking on Campus
- Structures & General Information
- Transportation alternatives on campus
- DDOT and SMART buses, the QLine streetcar, MoGo (bike share), Zipcar, and more.