Facts and figures
Ranked #2 in medical research in Michigan
(2023 U.S. News and World Report) -
24,000 + hours/year volunteered by Year 1 and 2 student
Only medical school in Detroit
Wayne State produces more physicians for the state of Michigan than any other university.
2024 Applicants
- 9,159 Total applicants
- 1,584 In-state
7,575 Out-of-state and international
Class of 2028
318 Students
54% In-state
46% Out-of-state -
100+ colleges represented
First-generation students -
Over 120 majors represented
Top five degrees
- Biology
- Neuroscience
- Biochemistry
- Biomedical Sciences
- Psychology
2024 Match Day
98.1% match rate
- 257 matched
- 48% matched in-state
- 33% matched into primary care
30 match states
- Michigan
- California
- Illinois
- Ohio
- New York
24 specialties represented
- Internal Medicine
- Emergency Medicine
- Family Medicine