Technology Committee

The UME Technology Committee provides oversight on the selection and use of technology in medical education and its administrative units. The Committee is charged with monitoring current applications, reviewing requests for new initiatives and cultivating dialogue with administrative and the education programs to further enhance our use of technology. Membership consists of key stakeholders from medical education, school of medicine partners and students.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Meet monthly
  • Discuss concerns related to current technology and define/execute solutions, implementing action plans and timeframes for improvement.
  • Monitor and evaluate emerging technologies to raise and encourage awareness of technology trends.
  • Propose and advocating technology acquisitions.
  • Implementation of technologies designed to improve the teaching, learning and administrative functions of WSU-SOM consistent with the strategic plan and mission.
  • Engage in and promote research in the use of technology in education.

Committee Members

Chair: Amie Applebee, Director - Medical Education Support Group

Departments Name Title
A/V and Video Production Mike Crimmins Manager
A/V and Video Production Mike Dereniewski Producer/Director
Medical Communications Matthew Garin Multimedia Specialist
Medical Communications Steven Pierce  Multimedia Specialist
Kado Clinical Skills Center Conrad Hunt Director of Operations
Kado Clinical Skills Center Christopher Bergum Simulation Technology Administrator
Medical Education Support Team: LSS Scott Nelsen Laboratory Services, Coordinator
C&IT Paul Richards Systems Administrator II
C&IT Maikel Kachouh Director, Academic Technology Support
C&IT Cornor Weathers Associate Director, Academic Desktop Support
Senate Liaison Technology Committee TBD Year 1 Student Representative
Senate Liaison Technology Committee TBD Year 1 Student Representative
Senate Liaison Technology Committee Mike Salnikovi Year 2 Student Representative
Senate Liaison Technology Committee N/A   Year 2 Student Representative
Senate Liaison Technology Committee Abrielle Fretz Year 3 Student Representative
Senate Liaison Technology Committee Peter Martin Year 3 Student Representative
Senate Liaison Technology Committee Anuj Kavi Year 4 Student Representative
Senate Liaison Technology Committee Michael Melhem   Year 4 Student Representative
Shiffman Medical Library Wendy Wu Librarian

We have recently been receiving several requests for personalized software installation on the student (public) computers; however we only install and maintain essential educational and curriculum software. While we recognize that many electronic educational resources are available, our software policy ensures that our computing resources are as clean as possible in order to avoid decreases in computer functionality.

Requesting Technology?

If there is specific software that you feel should be included in the standard student profile for the machines, the WSU-SOM Technology Committee does review and approve educational technology resources. Please complete the technology request form.

Do you have a suggestion for how the UME Technology Committee can improve the computer services/technology at WSU-SOM? Send us your suggestions.