Student government

The Medical School Student Senate is the elected governing body for the WSU School of Medicine medical students. Student Senate meetings are open to all students; voting privileges are restricted to elected senate members. The senate meetings are held at 6 p.m. on alternate Tuesdays. A variety of interests, issues and projects are discussed.

  • Board of Student Organizations (BSO)

    The BSO's purpose is to promote inter-group cooperation and serve as a liaison to the Student Senate, representing the interests of the organizations. Wayne State School of Medicine has over 80 student-run activities/programs that afford students many opportunities to participate in community outreach health and well-being programs, explore career opportunities and develop individual interests through co-curricular programs

  • Association of American Medical Colleges - Organization of Student Representatives (AAMC-OSR)

    The OSR is an advisory body to the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and serves as liaison between this national entity, the student leadership, and school administration. The Organization of Student Representatives (OSR) has significant influence on the national level regarding medical education. They are in constant dialogue with other AAMC sponsored organizations such as National Board of Medical examiners (NBME), Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME), and the National Residency Match program (NRMP). There are four OSR delegates, each of of whom represent their class as a voting member on the Wayne SOM Student Senate. The Year IV OSR delegate, officially regarded as the "senior" representative, is also a member of the Student Senate Executive Committee. A Year II alternate is chosen every year and serves two years becoming the senior representative in their second year of service. Alternates are chosen in the middle of Year II by application/interview process.

    The duties of the OSR representative are divided between the "senior" and "junior" representatives. Representatives will be charged with attending the national and regional AAMC meetings annually. It is their goal to make the Student Senate and school administration aware of the issues to be discussed at such meetings. Delegates also highlight Wayne State SOM initiatives on a national and regional level. In this way, the OSR representatives are central in the conversation regarding academic medicine between other medical schools, AAMC, and Wayne State SOM.

  • What does AAMC-OSR mean to you?

    Echoed throughout medicine is the message that physicians need to become involved in shaping U.S. health care. A multitude of opportunities exist for those who want to do just that. As medical students and members of Organization of Student Representatives (OSR), you can be a part of decisions that impact your future.

    In 1968, the AAMC (American Association of Medical Colleges) passed a resolution calling for the development of mechanisms for student participation in the affairs of the AAMC. In 1971, the OSR (Organization of Student Representatives) was created to:

    1. facilitate the expression of students' ideas and views
    2. foster the exchange of ideas among students and other concerned groups
    3. facilitate students' action on health care issues.

    OSR differs from other medical student organizations in that, while all students are "members" of OSR, only one official and one alternate designate can represent each school. Each U.S. medical school may have one official representative and one alternate/junior representative. Any official representative may run for election to the national OSR board. The 12-member administrative board consists of a chair, chair-elect, five representatives at large, the four regional chairs and the immediate past-chair. Ongoing priorities of the administrative board relate to medical education, communication, counseling and societal responsibility and legislation. OSR representatives receive periodic requests from the AAMC to organize letter writing campaigns to influence Congress and officials of federal agencies. Legislative analysts in the AAMC can help students learn how to lobby effectively.

    Representatives from the medical schools gather at the AAMC annual meeting to share concerns and ideas and to attend a variety of sessions. The OSR has its own meeting within the structure of the association's meeting. The regional meetings are held each spring and are coordinated by interested members. These meetings are more informal than the annual meeting and offer ample opportunities for OSR members to become better acquainted with each other and to deal with issues of high local priority.