ERAS certification tips and FAQs
View your Dashboard to make certain that all sections (Personal Information, Application, Documents and Programs) are completed and saved.
Double check your PS to make certain that it is block-styled, double spaced between paragraphs and fits on one page from your "Print" link in Documents. Helpful hint: Type your PS in Microsoft, Times New Roman, 12 pt., 1" inch margins (left, right, top and bottom), then import into ERAS.
Step 1: Click on Application > Submit your application > Complete all steps > Save > Continue. (Certification is open, however, the Application will not be available to any Programs until Wednesday, September 28, 2022 @ 9a.m. ET). Plan to certify no later than Friday, September 23, 2022.
Step 2: Click on Assignment Reports > For every Program/Institution, make certain that you have assigned your USMLE Transcript, Photo, PS (select the correct Personal Statement) and up to four (no less than three) LOR's. Reminder: The MSPE and medical school transcript are automatically defaulted in ERAS, no active action required. Special Note: LOR's cannot be assigned to Programs until they have been uploaded into your ERAS through the ERAS LOR portal.
Step 3: Click on Saved Programs > Select the Programs you wish to apply to > Pay online using your Visa or MasterCard > print receipt.
Step 4: There is no fee for medical school transcript requests; however, transcripts are not automatically released for students or Graduates to ERAS. An Instructional email was sent to you for reviewing your medical school transcript online from the MedEnrollment department. Upon receipt, read the instructions and complete.
NRMP National Residency Matching Program
Important: After you have registered to the NRMP, you will be assigned an NRMP ID number. Log into your ERAS account and enter the NRMP ID number in your Personal Information Module, click save. Register for the NRMP
Standard Registration Fee: $70.00 (additional $50 Late Fee will apply after January 31st, 2023) Programs will not be able to download/retrieve ERAS applications until September 28, 2022.
For certification, you will need a credit card (or know the account number, expiration date and three-digit security code on back of card). ERAS accepts only Visa, MasterCard (credit or debit) for payment at the time of certifying/submitting your ERAS application.
Important: Plan now to have all of your ERAS completed and Programs selected, ready for certification/submission no later than September 23, 2022. You do not need to wait until all supporting documentation (LOR's, Photo, Transcript, MSPE, etc.) are uploaded prior to certifying all supporting documentation will soon follow and will be attached to your ERAS Application.
ERAS fees
ERAS does not offer refunds for any reason. Refunds will not be given for applications sent to non-participating programs or to students applying for Residents/Physicians Only programs. ERAS's primary role is to deliver your application and supporting documents to designated programs. This is no different than placing a stamp on an envelope and requesting USPS deliver the packet to a destination. Once you apply to a program and submit payment through MyERAS, service has been rendered and your application has been delivered.
Programs per specialty | Application fees |
Up to 10 | $99 |
11 20 | $19 each |
21 30 | $23 each |
31 or more | $26 each |
Example 1: 30 Emergency Medicine programs [$99.00 + (10 x $19.00) + (10 x $23.00)] = $519
Example 2: 20 OB/GYN programs [$99.00 + (10 X $19.00)] + 10 Family Medicine programs [$99.00] = $388
Example 3: 23 Internal Medicine programs [$99.00 + (10 X $19.00) + (3 X $23.00)] + 7 Radiology programs [$99.00] = $457
Example 4: 12 Internal Medicine programs [$99.00 + (2 X $19.00)] + 10 Emergency Medicine [$99.00] + 8 Family Medicine programs [$99.00] = $335
ERAS 2023 Residency fee calculator
This fee calculator is intended to be used only as a planning tool. Your actual fees will be based on the 2023 ERAS fees and the number of programs you apply to.
Transcript USMLE
The National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) will release your USMLE transcript after you have 1) requested it in the Document Module and 2) have certified/submitted your ERAS application and 3) paid the $80 fee during ERAS certification. The release of your USMLE transcript occurs within 24 hours of payment.
Applicants must release their USMLE Transcript prior to certifying their application; thereafter, each time an exam score is posted (Step 2 CK, etc.), it is the applicant's responsibility to retransmit the transcript to Programs/Institutions or upon request. To release your score(s), click on the re-transmit transcript link in the Document Module.
LOR'S Letters of recommendation
Only four (4) LOR's per program/specialty are permissible. Make certain that you have entered the LOR Author Name and Department of your intended letter writer(s) in the Document Module. Click the check box next to the writer's name and enter your Password (the one that you created to log into your ERAS account) to finalize your letter request. Here's a sample:
LOR author name: Margit Chadwell, M.D., FAAFP
LOR title/department: Family Medicine
LOR specialty assigned to: (Your specialty)
For most specialties, you must assign at least three (3) LOR's but not more than four (4) LOR's per Program. This designation includes the SLOE for Emergency Medicine participants, SLOR for Orthopaedic Surgery and Chair letters; however, MSPE/Dean's Letters are not included in this designation. It is your responsibility to follow up with your letter writer(s) regarding your outstanding letter(s).
Applicants are unable to assign LOR's until the letter(s) has been uploaded into the ERAS Portal.
Important: You must create and release to your letter writer(s) the ERAS Cover Sheet to upload your letters of recommendation via the ERAS LOR Portal (Instructions are provided on your customized LOR Coversheet that you will create in ERAS). Schools are no longer able to receive, review or upload any LOR's into the ERAS Portal.
MSPE/Dean's letter
All MSPE's will be uploaded into ERAS by the nationwide release date Wednesday, September 28, 2022. MSPE's for early matchers: SF Match participants will be uploaded into the SF Portal; Military, into their GME Portal, those Military positions available in ERAS and AUA will be uploaded into ERAS. CaRMS participants will be uploaded into the CaRMS portal, please make sure that you are registered in CaRMS.
Matthew Garin from the Medical Communications Office will provide your photo to be uploaded into your ERAS file. If you did not participate in the photography session and would like to have your picture included on the 2023 Class Composite and/or used for ERAS, there may still be time to do so. His office can be reached at 313-577-9829.
Program codes (training offered)
C Categorical
A Advanced
P Primary (Track)
P Preliminary (One Year, i.e., HFHS Transitional Year (1300999P0, Internal Medicine Preliminary (1300140P0) and General Surgery Preliminary (1300440P0).
R Residents only (Do not apply, these tracks are for those who are already residents. You will not receive an interview and ERAS does not offer refunds for programs applied).