Dean addresses School of Medicine in his inaugural town hall

Over 650 students, faculty and staff joined Dean Mark Schweitzer in his first School of Medicine town hall on June 9.

After introducing himself with comments about his personal and medical background and noting several School of Medicine initiatives addressed in his first month, Dean Schweitzer answered questions submitted pre-even and during the live chat. 

On the heels of a morning announcement by Henry Ford Health System regarding a potential partnership with Michigan State University, Dean Schweitzer commented key themes of continuing to build the educational, research and clinical excellence offered with local and future potential partnerships, mitigating health disparities by race and other social determinants, differentiating the school based on excellence and mission to serve the community while building physicians and health care teams who influence real change.

Over 80 questions were submitted and ranged from how students, faculty and staff will return to campus, what his vision is for the medical school and health affair and key programs, will there be layoffs, who our future health care partners will be and others. To accommodate Dean Schweitzer's interest in transparency, the full list of questions and answers is being collected and will be shared. 

While additional information about School of Medicine return to campus will come after taskforce recommendations are made on June 12, 2020, current campus guidelines are posted at School of Medicine Coronavirus website.