Learning Skills Support
Need Active Learning Strategies?
Contact our Learning Skills Specialist in the Office of Learning and Teaching to get help with things like:
- Anxiety (ANX)
- Attitude (ATT)
- Concentration (CON)
- Information Processing (INP)
- Motivation (MOT)
- Selecting Main Ideas (SMI)
- Self-Testing (SFT)
- Test Strategies (TST)
- Time Management (TMT)
- Using Academic Resources (UAR)
Academic support from OLT is offered in a tiered approach that incorporates practices from the familiar Master Adaptive Learner framework, with focus areas aligned to the LASSI diagnostic assessment students take in their first year.
Look for more resources in these areas, coming soon.
Additional Resources
- Student Introduction to Canvas will get you started and show you how to participate in your courses using Canvas tools.
- SOM Student Policies
- Shiffman Library - Research Guides
- Computing & Information Technology offers technology support for online classes, student resources, internet and cell service info, plus communication and file sharing
- Student Disability Services ensures access and inclusion for students with documented disabilities seeking academic accommodations and training in assistive technology